Main information on nitric acid (HNO3) or "nitrogen acid" or "hydrogen nitrate" , physical characteristics, health effects, means of detecting it (HNO3 gas detector) as well as suitable respiratory protection equipment (gas mask or assisted ventilation device with combined filter type E-P3).
Main characteristics of nitric acid (HNO3)
Nitric acid (HNO3), also called "nitrogen acid" or "hydrogen nitrate", is mainly used in the food industry for the manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers. It is also used in the manufacture of explosives and nitrated components. This substance is also found in the pharmaceutical industry, the metallurgical industry and the treatment of metals (pickling, stripping).
VME (8 hours)
VLE (15 minutes)
Density / Air
Filter / ARI
1 ppm
11.95 eV
Health Effects of Nitric Acid
Under normal temperature and pressure conditions, nitric acid (HNO3) is a colorless liquid with a suffocating odor detectable at extremely low concentrations. It is toxic by inhalation (H331), corrosive to the respiratory tract, and can cause severe chemical burns and eye damage. Classified as Category 1 by IARC * , there are links between chronic exposure to this substance and various forms of cancer.
*IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the WHO World Health Organization)
HNO3 gas detector (Nitric acid)
Despite a discernible odor, only an HNO3 gas detector can accurately measure the concentrations of this extremely toxic gas, so we will move towards detecting nitric acid in ppm, or even ppb.
Nitric acid is irritating to the eyes, so we will opt for a full-face mask for short-term interventions or for a more comfortable assisted ventilation device with combined filters such as E-P3 up to 30 times the OEL.
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