Find here the main information on nitric oxide (NO) or " nitrogen oxide " such as its physical characteristics, its effects on health, the means of detecting it (NO gas detector) as well as the appropriate respiratory protection equipment (combined filter type ABEK1NOCO20-P3 or self-contained breathing apparatus).
Main characteristics of nitric oxide (NO)
Nitric oxide ( NO), sometimes called "nitrogen oxide", of anthropogenic origin is released by the contact between nitric acid and many compounds. It is found in the wood industry (sawdust), explosives (dynamite), metals (engraving) and in high-temperature welding activities. This gas, partly responsible for atmospheric pollution, is created by the combustion of diesel in engines, hence its presence in underground car parks.
Health effects of nitric oxide
Nitrogen oxide is a colorless gas with a sweet to pungent odor from 0.3 ppm. Fairly soluble in water, it reacts with water molecules in the body to form nitric acid (or nitric acid), which is very corrosive. Extremely toxic by inhalation (R26) and capable of causing chemical burns (R34), it has irreversible effects (poison gas) if the individual is regularly exposed.
NO (Nitrogen Monoxide) gas detector
Although identifiable by its smell, only a NO gas detector can accurately measure the concentrations of this highly toxic gas, so we will move towards fixed or portable nitrogen monoxide detection.
For the calibration and gas testing of your fixed or portable gas detectors, nitrogen monoxide standard gas cylinders are available.
Nitric oxide is toxic and asphyxiating with significant risks of suffocation, so we will opt for an open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus (ARICO) or a full-face mask with combined cartridge ABEK1NOCO20-P3 for very short interventions at low concentrations.
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