Main information on ethanol ( C2H6O ) or " ethyl alcohol ", or even " alcohol ", its physical characteristics, its effects on health, the means of detecting it (C2H6O gas detector) as well as the appropriate respiratory protection equipment (gas mask or assisted ventilation device with type A anti-gas filter ).
The fermentation of sugars into ethanol (C2H6O) or "ethyl alcohol", or even "alcohol" is one of the oldest biotechnologies used by man to obtain alcoholic beverages. It is used in industry as a solvent or disinfectant and as a raw material for the production of many compounds. Concentrated and hydrated, ethanol becomes bioethanol, a biofuel (the "E85" in Europe) that is mixed with gasoline or diesel.
Ethanol (C2H6O) is a colorless, volatile liquid with a rather pleasant odor, detectable from 84 ppm. It is rapidly absorbed orally and inhaled and little by skin contact. The manifestations observed in cases of acute poisoning by ingestion are well known, they are essentially neuropsychiatric: intellectual and psychological excitement, motor incoordination, then " alcoholic coma " with threat to life prognosis by paralysis of the respiratory centers.
If ethanol is detectable by smell, only a C2H6O gas detector will be able to accurately measure concentrations in the air. Since it is an explosive gas, we will move towards detecting ethanol in explosiveness (% of the lower explosive limit).
For the calibration and gas testing of your fixed or portable gas detectors, ethanol standard gas bottles are available.
Ethanol is irritating to the eyes, so we will opt for a full-face mask for short-term interventions or for a more comfortable assisted ventilation device with type A anti-gas filters up to 30 times the OEL.
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