Explosion-proof electromechanical horn - 108 dB (A) at 1m
MHTG Series
Strong points :
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
(à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Loud, aesthetic explosion-proof electromechanical horn with typical horn sound.
This product has the following ATEX protection:
II 2 G Ex e mb IIC T5 Gb
II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T90 ° C Db
-55 ° C ≤ Ta ≤ + 50 ° C (AC-Mod.)
-55 ° C ≤ Ta ≤ + 60 ° C (DC-Mod.)
Zone 1, 2, 21, 22